This year Haldi Kumkum was celebrated with great enthusiasm. The event was a culmination of love and labour. Some beneficiaries participated and put up a great show, It started with a first of its kind pantomime, followed by solo and group dances. An entertaining Nepali dance to lovely music was widely appreciated. A dance-come drama was enacted showcasing the inner angst change and victory over challenging situations in life. Games were also introduced for the first time. Karoke by teachers and students happened for the first time. They sang the famous John Lennon song 'Imagine'. The best part of the event was when Mrs. Minal Bajaj sang "We are the World' with all . All the beneficiaries joined in for the chorus. The games were a hit, the songs, dances and the drama were a hit. Beneficiaries enjoyed doing the custom of applying haldi and kumkum to each other's forehead. Happy face and happy hearts went home that day. Tired but satiated, a day well spent.
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