Navratri is one of the major and important festivals, celebrated to worship the Goddess Durga. It is essentially a nine day festival where different nine forms of the Devi Durga (Goddess) are worshiped. A fast is observed by many on this auspicious festival and visit temples to seek the divine blessings. Offering prayers to the Goddess every day gives inner peace to the devotees. The women of Hamaaa Sapna dressed in traditional Ghagra-Choli,navari saree, and simple saree participated in different games. They also danced to the garba tune. The highlight was of the celebration was of giving away prizes to the women who have shown great level of interest in learning over the period of time & was consistent in attending the sessions over a period of 6 yers. One who is strong in stating her opinion about things and one for being of great inspiration to all. A women was awarded for being the most active peson in the class. Women enjoyed the food-feast too.
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